In addition to the current functionality for evaluating parameters such as central pulse wave velocity
, brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity and central augmentation index in bar charts with standard ranges, the patient’s readings are also displayed in age graphs.
Age graph shows that biologic age (49 years) is younger than the real age (70 years)
These age graphs provide a quick and concise summary to evaluate whether the vascular measurements coincide with the patient’s age. This methodology illustrates the biological age of the vessels in relation to the patient’s true age.
Age-dependent standard values are extracted from the following references and converted to internal graphs:
McEniery CM, Yasmin, Hall IR, Qasem A, Wilkinson IB, Cockroft JR; ACCT Investigators. Normal vascular aging: differential effects on wave reflection and aortic pulse wave velocity: the Anglo-Cardiff Collaborative Trial (ACCT). J Am Coll Cardiol. 2005 Nov 1:46 (9):1753-60.
3 different views to calculate the central vascular and peripheral age of a patient – representing the age at time of the recording
Software Screens with Different Examples