Automatic and precise determination of ABI for diagnosing PAOD and peripheral arteriosclerosis based on vascular closing pressures. The system features a special new and reliable measuring procedure for determining vascular closing pressures based on the simultaneous recording of a pressure curve and a distal plethysmogram.
pic. : AIx|PWV-Evaluation and presentation of the central blood pressure
Three different central and central-peripheral pulse wave velocities are measured and calculated simultaneously
, in addition to the AIx measurement. The PWVba (brachial-ankle) is determined using simultaneous cuff measurements on the upper arm and ankle at the diastolic pressure level (foot point-to-foot point measurement of the time differential between both pressure waves); the PWVao (aortic) is determined using the reflection method under brachial stop-flow conditions (foot point-to-foot point measurement of the time differential between the direct and reflected pulse waves); the PWVcf (carotid-femoral) is calculated from PWVba and PWVao.
Determining PWV and AIx in Sitting Position
Additional convenience and time-savings, as the PWV and AIx can be measured in a sitting position.
Studies have shown only a slight variability in findings between supine (lying down) and sitting (sitting) position.
Evaluation of Pulse Wave Velocity and Augmentation Index in supine and sitting position ; J. Nürnberger et al; Artery 2009